About Our Speakers
We look forward to seeing you at the Morning Star Vision Summit!
Kirby & Rebecca
Kirby and Rebecca, along with their children, have lived and served Loas for better than 20 years. Their leadership has established more than a dozen businesses fostering agricultural advancement, job creation and economic growth in the region where they live.
They have partnered with Jesus in a commitment to take mission into the marketplace. This has led to new life for many local people. We are excited to have them share their legacy story with us at this year's Vision Summit.
Jordan and his family live in Nepal where they operate a digital media agency called The Story Company. Their mission is to tell great stories and create great storytellers. They have an unwavering commitment to people, creativity, innovation, and the art of excellence.
Their business has not only enhanced the economic welfare of the region, but has provided them a platform for shining a light on the evils of human trafficking and exploitation. The Story Company establishes a platform for sharing love and transforming lives.
It is a privilege to have Jordan share the stories of freedom found in forgiveness during this year's Vision Summit.
Nick and Hannah
Central Asia
Due to security concerns, bio not available.
Central Asia
Joe is a servant of the most high God, loved, saved and redeemed by the Lord Jesus Christ. God has given him a heart for the poor and unreached.
He lives and works in Central Asia among Afghan refugees, does humanitarian aid work and serves orphans in unreached places. This gives him a passion to continue investing in learning Dari, a primary language spoken across a large portion of Central Asia.
We can't wait to hear the stories of his partnership with Jesus and the way it is changing the face of Heaven and bringing the Kingdom of God more fully to earth.
Dan & Lindsay
Central Asia
Dan, his wife Lindsay, and their four children live in Central Asia stewarding several businesses for the Lord that use the "Robin Hood" method. His businesses sell to the rich and affluent to see transformational impact on the rest of society. We look forward to hearing an update around all Jesus is doing in partnership with Dan, his family and his team.
Colorado Springs, CO
Mohammad was born into a devout Muslim family. By the grace of God, Mohammad’s life took a transformative turn when he traveled to Turkey. There, he encountered a small group of Christ followers who led him to accept Jesus Christ as his Savior.
Mohammad’s faith ignited a passion to share the Gospel. Mohammad has dedicated his life to spreading the message of Jesus Christ where Christianity is often met with persecution. Today, Mohammad partners with the Navigators discipling new believers and planting churches in Afghanistan. Mohammad is also involved in empowering Afghani women through education and job opportunities.
We look forward to having Muhammad share his call for sharing the Gospel and making disciples.
Bonny & Louise
Southeast Asia
Bonny and Louise are excited to see their region reached with the gospel and to teach, train and disciple lovers of Jesus to build the kingdom of God.
Louise received her missionary call at age seven. She is founder and director of House of Samuel. Her passion is to see healing and restoration in the lives of every child that comes to House of Samuel.
Bonny is co-director of House of Samuel. He has served in missions during his time in Europe and Southeast Asia. He is passionate about seeing transformation through the power of the gospel.
House of Samuel cares for orphans who have been rescued from abusive homes. Their mission is to love the least and reach the unreached in Southeast Asia. In addition to the orphanage, they serve a leprosy community and provide a missions base to help reach 493 unreached people groups.
It will be a privilege to hear updates of God's heart for Southeast Asia.
JK is a Business for Transformation practitioner and promoter. His passions include networking, mentoring and mobilizing as he carries out the Great commission. JK and his wife Elise have five children and five grandchildren. Their family desires to see God’s kingdom come to the unreached. JK will bring inspiration and hope for all those who attend this year's Vision Summit.