Meet Greg
Founder, Family ID
Greg Gunn established and began growing the vision of Family ID and Family Vision Ministries in 1997, after a Primerica colleague encouraged him to take his family and go away for a goal setting weekend. It was then that he had a powerful vision that this was a concept and valuable life-changing opportunity for families. The seed for Family ID and Family Vision Ministries was planted. Greg stayed in his position of National Sales Director at Primerica Financial Services while building the foundation of Family ID. In 2010, he was led to put his full focus into the vision and direction he wanted to take Family ID and Family Vision Ministries. Family ID has grown under the leadership and vision of Greg for over two decades. After starting out in the living room of his home, along with wife Rhonda, Family ID has established a global presence and is leading thousands of families to discovering their unique identity. Family ID guides families in establishing their core values, mission statement, vision statement and living with intentional direction.
Meet Derek
Executive Director, Family ID
Derek England is the Executive Director of Family ID. Family ID focuses on increasing the positive impact and fulfillment of families by helping them identify their unique vision, purpose, and values. Derek joined Family ID in late 2019 after a successful career in mortgage lending. Having completed Family ID for the first time in 2011, it has always held a special place in his heart. Derek was brought on to help with growth and development of Family ID through technology, fundraising, systems, processes, and an insight on raising a young family with Intentionality. Derek and his family live in the Oklahoma City area and is blessed to be married to Gina for 20 years. They have 2 kids Sawyer – 15 and Jack -14. Their family is focused on Shining Strong in this world.